
Chuan Yang
Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering


Chuan is a 2nd year graduate student in the Ultrafast Optics lab.  He holds B.S (University of Science and Technology, China) and M.S. (University of Pittsburgh) degrees in physics and is now pursuing a Ph.D. in electrical engineering.  While the pursuit of a doctorate requires nearly a full devotion of time and energy, Chuan still finds ways to remain active as a member (and former president) of the Chinese Friendship Association at Penn State.  When he needs to take a break from school, commitments, life, Chuan enjoys hiking, playing badminton, swimming, or sitting down to a nice feature film.

Dissertation Topic:

Compact optical devices and applications in spectroscopy and imaging

Publications and Proceedings:

6. Jin Ouyang, Chuan Yang, Dimin Niu, Yuan Xie and Zhiwen Liu, “F2BFLY: An On-Chip Free-Space Optical Network with Wavelength-Switching,” 25th International Conference on Supercomputing 2011.

5. Chuan Yang, Kebin Shi, Haifeng Li, Qian Xu, Venkatraman Gopalan and Zhiwen Liu, “Chromatic Second Harmonic Imaging,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2011.

4. Chuan Yang, Perry Edwards, Kebin Shi, and Zhiwen Liu, “Hybrid Diffractive Optical Element Based Spectrometer,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2011.

3. M. Zhou, C. Yang, Z. Liu, J. Cysyk and S. Zheng, “A Fabry-Perot pressure sensor fabricated on left ventriculal assist device for heart failure implant,” International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems 2011 (TRANSDUCERS 2011).

2. Chuan Yang, Kebin Shi, Perry Edwards, and Zhiwen Liu, "Demonstration of a PDMS based hybrid grating and Fresnel lens (G-Fresnel) device," Opt. Express 18, 23529-23534 (2010).

1. Chuan Yang, Kebin Shi, Haifeng Li, Qian Xu, Venkatraman Gopalan, and Zhiwen Liu, "Chromatic second harmonic imaging," Opt. Express 18, 23837-23843 (2010).

The Pennsylvania State University    Department of Electrical Engineering