The Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics Lab at Penn State
Conference Proceedings
5. Kebin Shi, Peng Li, Shizhuo Yin, Zhiwen Liu, "Surface profile measurement using chromatic confocal microscopy," Proc. SPIE Vol. 5606, p. 124-131.
4. Fei Wu, Kebin Shi, Zhiwen Liu, Xueqian Zhang, Joseph Cheung, Karl Reichard, Stuart Yin, "3D method via time and spatially multiplexed confocal microscope," Proc. SPIE Vol. 6000, p. 110-117.
3. Wei-Hung Su, Zhiwen Liu, Kebin Shi, Karl Reichard, Shizhuo Yin , "Integration of segmented 3D image data measured by projected fringe profilometry using supercontinuum light," Proc. SPIE Vol. 5911, p. 107-116.
2. Peng Li, Kebin Shi, and Zhiwen Liu, “Single-particle optical scattering spectroscopy in white light supercontinuum optical tweezers,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6326, 63261H, Optical Trapping andOptical Micromanipulation III; SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, CA, Aug., 2006.
1. David M. Brown, Adam Willitsford, Kebin Shi, Zhiwen Liu, and C. R. Philbrick, “Advanced Optical Techniques for Measurements of Atmospehric Constituents,” Proceedings of the 28th AnnualReview of Atmospheric Transmission Models, Lexington MA, June, 2006.
10. Q. Xu, K. Shi and Z. Liu, "Femtosecond optical Kerr gating using nonlinear photonic crystal fiber" SPIE Optics + Photonics, (2010).
9. Q. Xu, K. Shi and Z. Liu, "Chromatic two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2008.
8. Kebin Shi, Peng Li and Zhiwen Liu, “Supercontinuum coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy,” CLEO 2008, OSA, oral presentation.
7. Qian Xu, Kebin Shi, Shizhuo Yin and Zhiwen Liu, “Chromatic two photon imaging,” CLEO 2008, OSA, oral presentation.
6. Kebin Shi and Zhiwen Liu, “Spectrally smoothed supercontinuum generation by using unstably mode-locked laser pulses,” Ultra-fast optics, high field-short wavelength 2007, Santa Fe, NM, poster presentation.
5. Qian Xu, Kebin Shi, Shizhuo Yin and Zhiwen Liu, “chromatic two photon excitation fluorescence imaging,” Ultra-fast optics, high field-short wavelength 2007, Santa Fe, NM, poster presentation.
4. Kebin Shi, Ahmed A. Heikal, and Zhiwen Liu, “Single-shot two-photon action cross section measurement,” CLEO 2007, OSA, poster presentation.
3. Kebin Shi, Fiorenzo G. Omenetto, and Zhiwen Liu, “Supercontinuum generation using imaging taper,” CLEO 2007, OSA, poster presentation.
2. Kebin Shi, Shizhuo Yin, and Zhiwen Liu, "Two-photon Excitation Fluorescence Imaging by Using Wavelength Division Scanning," CLEO 2006, OSA, oral presentation.
1. Kebin Shi, Sung Hyun Nam, Peng Li,
Shizhuo Yin, and Zhiwen Liu, "Chromatic confocal and two-photon imaging," Optics
East 2006, SPIE, oral presentation.
The Pennsylvania State University Department of Electrical Engineering