
Haifeng Li
Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering

Email: hzl129@psu.edu                   

Haifeng, originally from Inner Mongolia, China, is a 5th year doctoral student in the Ultrafast Optics Lab.  Before entering the Ph.D program at Penn State, Haifeng completed B.E. (2003 - Electronic Science and Technology) and M.E.(2006 - Physics Electronics &  Optoelectronics) degrees at Tianjing University in China.  When Haifeng needs to unwind after a long day in the lab, he plays volleyball or basketball with friends or cranks up the tunes on his iPod.

Dissertation Topic:

Development of nonlinear optical nanoprobes for nano-femto optics

Publications and Proceedings:

1. Haifeng Li et al, Development of a nonlinear nanoprobe for interferometric autocorrelation based characterization of ultrashort optical pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 021103 (2010).

2. Y Jia, H Li et al. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 334218 (2010).

3. Haifeng Li, Yaoshun Jia et al. Nanoprobe-based characterization of femtosecond laser pulses. CThDD2, CLEO 2009, Baltimore, MD.

4. Mariola O. Ramirez, Jeffrey Wisdom, Haifeng Li et al, Optics Express, 16, 9, 5965-5973 2008.

5. Haifeng Li et al. Holographic imaging for dielectric breakdown, photonic west, SPIE, San Diego, CA 2007.

6. Haifeng Li et al. Experimental 511W composite Nd:YAG ceramic laser. 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 2565.

The Pennsylvania State University    Department of Electrical Engineering